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About Finanssiden

Financial News - Finanssiden.Com

Scandinavia - Financial and business News, Magazines and Publications

News - delivers financial news and company profiles on all major companies.
Affärsvärlden - financial analysies online.
Aftenposten, økonomi - Daily news from the leading newspaper in Norway. Provided by Aftenposten.
Aftonbladet, ekonomi  (Sweden) - Digital, interactive edition of one of Swedens major newspapers. News updated seven days a week.
Bank of Finland - Covers monetary policy, financial markets, and payment systems. Offers news including recent notifications, with key speeches and commentaries.
Børsen (Denmark) - web based financial newspaper.
Börsveckan - new stocktips every week, many links to other stock sites.
CNN Danmark, Økonomi - Financial news provided by CNN Danmark.
CNN Norge, Økonomi - Financial news provided by CNN Norge.
CNN Svenska, Ekonomi - Financial news provided by CNN Svenska.
Copenhagen Post, business news - Copenhagen Post, danish news and current affairs in English.
Dagens Industri - bland annat börssida med möjlighet att följa din portföljs utveckling.
DNet, ekonomi (Sweden) - from Sweden's leading daily newspaper. Provided by Dagens Nyheter.
ErhvervsBladet (Denmark) - financial news and jobdatabase.
Finans Online - Norwegian financial site.
Finanstidningen - Swedish financial news service.
Finansavisen - dailynews, keynumbers from OSE and financial calender.
Göteborgs-Posten, ekonomi (Sweden) - Swedish newspaper based in Göteborg. Göteborg-Posten.
Hugin Online - news, pressreleases, companyreports, årsrapporter, quarterreports and updated quotes (0-15 min. delay) for norwegian companies. 4@
Hugin Online Danmark - årsberetninger, kvartalsregnskaber og pressemeddelelser fra en række danske virksomheder.
nvest in Finland Bureau - Comprehensive info and advice covering business environment, investment opportunities, establishing a business, case histories, and news.
Internetavisen Jyllands-Posten, business - The first daily Danish newspaper on the Internet with a wide range of articles from the printed edition, business-news and hourly updated newsservice. Internetavisen Jyllands-Posten.
Nettposten (DK) - business news throughout the day.
Nettavisen - Økonomi - quotes, bourse news, currency, interest and energy.
NewsWire - newsagency working for industry and companies, government institutions and organizations (Norwegian).
Norges Bank - Find out national economic and financial details from the Norwegian Central Bank. Provides inflation reports, market info, statistics, and speeches.
Norra Västerbotten, ekonomi (Sweden) - A local newspaper for Skellefteå, a city in the north of Sweden. Norra Västerbotten.
Norway Post, business - a Norwegian newspaper in English.
Norrköpings Tidningar - Local daily newspaper in Sweden.
Nya Norrland, näringsliv (Sweden) - Financial news provided by Nya Norrland.
Nyhetsbyrån NewsWire - newsagency working for industry, business,  institutions and organizations. (Swedish).
Nyhetsbyrån Direkt - financial news agency.
Nyhetsbyrån Ticker - nyheter för finans- och kapitalmarknaden.
Reuters - newsagency; provides news for banks, dealers and companies. (English)
Scandinavia Now Online - News and editorial comments on what is happening in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Includes product information.
Scandinavian Business News - news service for small business in København, Stockholm, Oslo og Helsinki (english).
SOL Børs - quotes, bonds and mutual fund. News from Reuters, Hugin and Oslo Børs. Portefoliotools. 4@
SOL Business Netvork (Denmark) - service such as business news, referance, news archive...
Stavanger Aftenblad, økonomi - daily news from one of Norway's regional newspapers (in Norwegian). Stavanger Aftenblad.
Svenska Dagbladet - Swedish newspaper.
Sweden Online - Comprehensive business and trade site which includes news and a directory of companies with Swedish-American interests.
TDN Finans $$ - electronic news service for the financial market. 4@
TDN Ajour - online business newsticker. Updated with news at 7AM and 7PM. Also live news from Oslo Stock Exchange, as well as live feed of share prices.
TDN Nyhetsbyrå AS
TradeWinds - Online version of the  publication offers the latest news in the global shipping trade. Subscribe for full access to news and archives.
Veckans Affärer - Swedish news service.
Yahoo! Finans (Norge) - Norwegian financial news site provided by Yahoo!.
Yahoo! Finans (Sweden) - Swedish financial news site provided by Yahoo!.
Yahoo! Finans (Denmark) - Danish financial news site provided by Yahoo!.

Magazines and Publications

Dine Penger - magazine about personal economy (continuesly updated). Web edition.
Magma - magazinet for business and management.
TradeWinds - international business newspaper (english edition).
Norsk Oljerevy - Norwegian petroleumsindustry with updated news, comments and analysies. Articler in norwegian and english.
Oilinfo - Petroleum Day - dailynews for the petroleumsector.
Look Nordic - Promotes Nordic trade, industry, culture, and politics. Browse the editorial content for past issues or check out advertising rates.
Business Practices & Protocol (Finland) - Offers fee-based reports on successfully conducting business in Finland, covering issues such as protocol, customs, etiquette, and negotiating.
ETLA Root Page (Finland) - Highlights of the quarterly report from The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy.
Finland - Economy and Trade - Document deals with economic policy and trade practices. Includes key economic indicators, exchange rate policies, and significant barriers to US exports.
WTF Online (Finland) - Publication on economic affairs and culture in Finland provides info on companies, science, and technology. Also in Deutsch and Franþais.
Business Protocol (Norway) - Offers fee-based reports on successfully conducting business in Norway, covering issues such as protocol, customs, etiquette, and negotiating.
Expressen, ekonomi - Swedish magazine (Sport, entertainment, IT and financial reports).
News Bureau Scandinavia/Media Pro (Sweden) - coverage of news and events in Scandinavia for international television, radio stations and magazines. ENG crews, editing, OB. Media Pro produces company videos and VNRs.
Børsens Nyhedsmagasin (Denmark) - business magazine with background information about danish businesses.
Økonomisk Ugebrev (Denmark) - konjunkturer, loaninterest, currency, obligations and short newst. Update every monday.

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